PA Agritourism Act 27 

Act 27 of 2021 has created legal protections for farmers that host agritourism events and activities on their farms. This law is based on similar protections that have been adopted in 26 other states around the country. Agritourism providers are protected from injuries that occur due to circumstances beyond their control. The law defines agritourism as:

“a farm-related tourism or farm related entertainment activity that takes place on agricultural land and allows members of the public, whether or not for a fee, to tour, explore, observe, learn about, participate in or be entertained by an aspect of agricultural production, harvesting, husbandry or rural lifestyle that occurs on a farm.”

This broadly covers many of the common agritourism activities, such as corn mazes, pumpkin patches, pick-your-own activities, but also other farm-related entertainment activities like hay bale forts, etc. If farmers make efforts to routinely inspect their grounds, machinery, equipment that is used in activities, they will go a long way to shielding themselves from potential legal actions.